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Learn about sustainable energy

We offer interactive, personalized learning experiences to help people understand the benefits and potential of clean energy

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Understand all of your options

As a real estate owner, understand solar energy options for your space and their financial benefits

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Plug into the latest technologies and trends

Monitor the solar energy market trends, learn about new opportunities and network with the industry leaders

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Learn about the latest technologies to optimize your building's energy consumption.


Find out how new ways to provide values for your customers.


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Our website offers a variety of energy efficiency knowledge modules, including in-depth information on building envelope components such as insulation, air sealing, and window selection. Users can learn about the specific materials and techniques that can be used to improve a building’s energy efficiency, as well as the potential energy savings that can be achieved through these methods. The more advanced modules cover topics such as energy modeling, building commissioning, and monitoring, to provide energy efficiency experts the knowledge they need to optimize the performance of buildings. The

We offer also grid resiliency knowledge modules, including information on design and planning for grid resilience, risk assessment and management, and emergency response and recovery. Users can learn about the specific technologies and strategies that can be used to make the grid more resilient against natural disasters and other disruptions, as well as the potential benefits to the stability and reliability of the energy supply. Additionally, our modules cover advanced topics such as distributed energy resources integration, demand response, and microgrid development, to provide users the knowledge they need to create and maintain a robust, resilient energy grid.

Our website offers a variety of off-grid solar energy knowledge modules, including information on system design and component selection, installation and maintenance, and energy storage solutions. Users can learn about the specific technologies and techniques that can be used to create a solar-powered off-grid system, as well as the potential energy savings and environmental benefits that can be achieved through these methods. Additionally, our modules cover advanced topics such as microgrid integration, energy management, and remote monitoring, to provide users the knowledge they need to create and maintain a reliable and sustainable off-grid solar energy system. 

We also cover community solar energy knowledge modules, including information on the benefits of community solar, system design and component selection, and financing and ownership models. Users can learn about the various visionary applications that community solar could have, such as increasing access to solar energy for low-income and underserved communities, supporting local economic development and job creation, and creating sustainable, resilient and equitable energy systems. Additionally, our modules cover advanced topics such as community engagement, virtual net metering, and community solar policies, to provide users the knowledge they need to create, implement and manage a successful community solar energy project.

Gridline helps solar developers and real-estate companies understand and learn about projects. With decades of experience and a dataset with thousands of projects, we aim to share all the latest knowledge about efficient, clean and affordable energy.
